FEMA programs can provide additional support for training, drills, or products for exercise plans.
Response Considerations Checklist
Do you have a plan to respond if your emergency management agency/department has reduced staffing due to COVID-19?
Have you reviewed and updated your COOP plans to continue essential functions and tasks with little to no interruption?
Do you have a plan to prioritize resources to stabilize the communication lifeline?
Do you have a plan to determine which personnel must be physically deployed to the field and how they will be protected?
Does your emergency management agency/department have an established senior liaison with the senior public health officer for your jurisdiction to ensure current, timely public health advice?
Have you implemented CDC’s Strategies to Optimize the Supply of PPE?
Have you purchased and stockpiled medical-grade PPE for those who need it according to CDC guidelines?
Have you purchased and stockpiled cloth face coverings?
Do hospitals in evacuation zones have a plan to not only evacuate patients, but also ventilators, dialysis machines, and stockpiled PPE?
Do you have a plan for a high-risk population (e.g., nursing home residents, people with disabilities, people requiring evaluation assistance, people experiencing homelessness) that has an ongoing outbreak and needs to be evacuated?
Do you have a system that can collect and share data to support decision-making around community lifelines?
Have you developed communication materials accessible to people with access and functional needs (e.g., deaf or hard of hearing, blind or have low vision, people with an intellectual disability, people with low literacy, limited English proficient persons, older adults) that address hurricane preparedness while under the threat of COVID-19 in your communities?
Have you considered the extra time it may take to evacuate given the need for social distancing for increased mass transit modes (e.g., buses) may require?