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Considering hiring a remodeling contractor? Questions to think about!

Florida Renovators

Considering hiring a remodeling contractor?

Questions to think about?

Are you dealing with the contractor or a sales person?

What do contractors want?

What will the contractor do?

How often will the contractor be on the project?

What is the cost based on?

What about design work?

Have you hired a contractor before?

Have identified all finishes and work to be accomplished in the project?

Does the project require a permit?

What does it take to get a permit?

Do you understand the construction licensing law?

Getting estimates? What are bid documents?

Do you think qualified and experienced contractors are expensive?

What’s in writing is what counts, talk is cheap.

When you sign a construction contract, do you think any unspecified items will be at your choosing?

What conditions for job performance will be accomplished?

What about hidden and unforeseen issues not covered in the contract?

Do you think a set of drawings or plans is enough information for competitive costing?

“I know” I’ll call 3 contractors and get estimates.

Contractors throw cost around to see how much money you can spend.

It’s just like on TV home shows.

I am so smart because I have money in the bank.

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